Tuesday, April 15, 2008


a weather "cove"
destroyer "trouble in dreams"
dodos "visiter"
grand archives, self titled
hercules and love affair, self titled
lazarus "hawk medicine"
melchior productions "no disco future"
*son lux "at war with walls & mazes" (this albums is WAY underrated)

she & him "volume one"


greg said...

I was surprised to see how much you liked the Son Lux record. I had a hard time getting into it. The gypsy swing trip-hop beat stuff is interesting but his singing voice was tough to like.

The Lazarus record really is good and so is Destroyer's "trouble in dreams." Those bands take very different approaches. Lazarus is kind of deliberate, low-fi, and dialogical. Destroyer is stream of conscious, super polished, and allegorical. I'm having trouble with repeat listens of both records and I have no idea why.

Also, you're right about the she & him record. It really is just boring. It kind of brings to mind a situation where you're invited over to a couple's house for dinner and the music selection is based entirely on quiet time recordings of the couples 'moments.'


haha on to April!

afs said...

what?! you didn't LOVE the son lux album? I'm sort of starting to think I'm the only person who really likes it.

I was actually slightly disappointed by the destroyer album, though it was still pretty good. I just think his recent stuff isn't nearly as good as his older stuff (a la thief and streethawk)